Legal Matters

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Proposed Regional Permit, November 14, 2016

US v Kincaid

Glass v Goeckel
 Michigan Circuit Court
  First Amended Complaint  (193 KB)
  Answer To Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint  (155 KB)
  Defendants Motion For Summary Disposition  (218 KB)
  Plaintiff's Brief Opposing Defendants Motion For Summary Disposition  (616 KB)
  Order Denying Defendants Motion For Summary Disposition  (46 KB)
 Michigan Court of Appeals
  Plaintiff's Brief
  SOS Amicus Curiae Brief
  Opinion of Court of Appeals
 Michigan Supreme Court
  Plaintiff's Application for Leave To Appeal
  Defendant's Response to Application for Leave To Appeal
  Order Granting Leave To Appeal
  Plaintiff's Brief on Appeal
  Defendant's Brief on Appeal
  Amicus Brief of SOS and Great Lakes Coalition
  Amicus Brief of Michigan Chamber of Commerce, National Federation of 
    Independent Business, Michigan Bankers Association, and Michigan 
    Hotel/Motel Association
  Amicus Brief of Legislators
  Opinion of Michigan Supreme Court
  Defendant's Motion for Rehearing
  Order Denying Motion for Rehearing
US Supreme Court
  Petition for Writ of Certiorari
  Respondent's Brief in Opposition
  Petitioner's Brief in Reply
  Order Denying Petition

Hilt v Weber

Borden Ranch v Corps of Engineers
  Amicus Brief of SOS (US Supreme Court)
  Transcript of Oral Argument (US Supreme Court)
Attorney General Opinions
    Opinion Number 5327
Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection

December 2, 2009 U.S. Supreme Court hears oral argument in Florida beach taking case.   Click here to read the transcript. Click here to read the Amicus Curiae brief filed by Save Our Shoreline.

SOS Leaders Attend Argument in Florida Beach Taking Case. SOS President Ernie Krygier, Communication Committee Chairman David Almeter, and attorney David Powers flew to Washington, D.C. to attend oral argument at the US Supreme Court in the case of Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection, et al. The case involves the question of who owns the new beach after the government completes a renourishment project. Click here to read more.

SOS files brief with U.S. Supreme Court in Florida beach taking case. Save Our Shoreline filed an Amicus Curiae brief with the United States Supreme Court in a case asserting that the State of Florida violated Constitutional protections of private property when it ruled that renourished beaches become state property. Click here to read the press release.

SOS Wins Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit Against University of Michigan’ Sea Grant program.
In 2007, the University of Michigan’s Sea Grant program sent its “Along the Shore” information pamphlets to hundreds of shoreline owners around the state.  The slick, colorful pamphlets purported to explain your shoreline ownership rights.  The problem, of course, is that the pamphlet had a bias.  Click here to read more.

 Position Statement Regarding Ownership. Click here to read.

Exxon v Saudi Basic Industries Amicus Brief. Click here to read.

Read this excellent Mackinac Center for Public Policy article criticizing the Glass v Goeckel decision. Click here to read.

SOS Press Release Applauding Ohio Court Victory. Click here to read.

HUGE VICTORY FOR OHIO SHORELINE OWNERS—Ohio Court Rules Shoreline Owners Own To Water’s Edge Free Of Public Trust; Court criticizes Michigan’s Glass v Goeckel Decision as “Poorly Decided”. Click here to read.

Ohio State Senator Tim Grendell’s Take on the Great Lakes Compact.  (Senator Grendell is a strong and influential advocate of riparian rights). Click here to read.

SOS Opposes Road Ends legislation. Click here to read.

Federal Judge say Corps Has No Authority to set Administrative Ordinary High Water Mark. Click here to read.

Corps Memo: Ordinary High Water Mark Determination on the Great Lakes and Connecting Channels. Click here to read.