Miscellaneous Legal Matters

Corps of Engineers’ Detroit District Renews Attack on Michigan’s Beaches–and Again Misrepresents the Facts By David L. Powers. Click here to read.
July 19, 2016

Position Statement Regarding Ownership

Exxon v Saudi Basic Industries Amicus Brief

Read this excellent Mackinac Center for Public Policy article criticizing the Glass v Goeckel decision

SOS Press Release Applauding Ohio Court Victory

HUGE VICTORY FOR OHIO SHORELINE OWNERS—Ohio Court Rules Shoreline Owners Own To Water’s Edge Free Of Public Trust; Court criticizes Michigan’s Glass v Goeckel Decision as “Poorly Decided”

Ohio State Senator Tim Grendell’s Take on the Great Lakes Compact.  (Senator Grendell is a strong and influential advocate of riparian rights)

SOS Opposes Road Ends legislation

Federal Judge say Corps Has No Authority to set Administrative Ordinary High Water Mark.

Corps Memo: Ordinary High Water Mark Determination on the Great Lakes and Connecting Channels.